di Vincenza Merlino
What can I know?
What do I need to do?
What can I be allowed to hope for?
Kant, (1781)
The current era in which we are all engaged, each of us can and must do our part to ensure the abandonment of a pattern of life scientifically defined as no longer sustainable for the survival of our species on the only planet habitable for us in favor of the adoption of a model of planetary civilization (Morin,2004) within which, being personally responsible and accountable implies the acquisition of a vision of us human beings of the species homo sapiens no longer as patients whose interests must be taken care of but as agents who can do effective things, both individually and jointly (Sudhir, Sen, 2000), can rightly be connoted as the age of transitions.
Ecologically, digitally, economically, and politically oriented to the assumption of more sustainable patterns of living, these transitions will hardly be able to evolve toward the achievement of the set sustainability goals without first actualizing the cultural transition necessary to practice the culture of sustainability of development and create sustainable communities i.e., social and cultural environments capable of making their own the horizon of meaning of that ecotopia (Callenbach, 1975) in which the ecological dimension of living unfolds by combining social, environmental and individual instances and is actualized by learning to identify and manage our needs and aspirations without reducing the opportunity for future generations (Brown, 1981).
To this end, the considerable efforts that schools have made in recent years must be continually increased to also meet the requests presented by the young signatories of the youth4climate Manifesto (2021) who call for education and training systems to take action with reforms that affect the entire educational system and thus also the professional updating of educators/teachers so that they make their own the interdisciplinary nature constitutive of the culture of sustainable development and actualize teaching methodologies that solicting all types of intelligence rather than only academic intelligence, to allow students to take environmental issues as a community.
Having argued about the ways in which Philosophy for Community by configuring itself as an innovative and transformative educational practice can meet these requests; practicing it firsthand as a Teacher Expert and knowing its effects on both teachers and learners, I feel I can state with reasonable conviction that its use makes me continue to believe that: if actively involved in teaching/learning processes, as is the case during P4C sessions, young people, by learning to sustain and practice the culture of sustainability of development, actualizing thuse their desire to participate actively in society, can truly learn to recognize what and how they can know; how they must act; and, legitimately hope to be able to re-design for future generations the contours of new era in which the extraordinary adventure of creativity that marks the evolution of the unfolding of life on our planet Earth (Maturana, Varela, 1980) can continue to take place.
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