Ready to use resources designed with partners

Europeana Education supports teaching and learning with innovative tools and resources. Some highlights in Italian and for the Italian community of teachers are:

  • Animals in the Great World War: The eBook Animals in the Great War is a free, bilingual resource for secondary education teachers and students. It was developed by the Associazione culturale Se and is available in Italian and English. The eBook studies the First World War from the standpoint of the animals that took part in it, using openly licensed resources from the Europeana 1914-18 collection.
  • Art Stories FACES app and game for primary education developed by the Italian startup Art Stories, which uses paintings from the Europeana Collections to encourage kids (5-10 years old) to learn about visual arts while having fun. Also available in English and Italian.

Other resources (not yet in Italian) are:

  • The free iTunes U course and Multi-Touch book ‘World War I: A battle of perspectives’ with content from Europeana’s unique 1914-1918 collection, for secondary education and lifelong learning. Learners are encouraged to develop their own understanding of events leading to the war.
  • Transcribathon for education, an online collaborative tool designed with our partner Facts & Files, which allows secondary education students to transcribe and annotate First World War related documents like diaries, letters, etc. The tool is in various languages and helps participants engage even more fully with their heritage. A tutorial in Italian will be released soon.